Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chocolate Therapy

So, it is that time of year that I have to go to my hubby's Holiday <why the fuck we cannot call it Christmas is stupid>party.

I usually dread this every year because the hubby works with mostly women, well girls and they are young and pretty and thin<skinny bitches>.

This year I am wanting to show off my lose of 12 pounds! Fucking-A I said 12 pounds!!!! So I have a soul sister that I think is very fashion forward and I am stuck. She said she would help me find an outfit to wear to this party. I am feeling so good about the weight I have lost and I am on cloud 9!

She suggested that black slacks are always a good way to go for these types of things since I am not ready for a dress. I told her I would go get a new pair and then we would meet the next day for a shopping trip for a festive top and some accessories. YAY! I think she has great style!

So out my hubby and I went to my favorite big girl store when I do not want to spend a lot of money.....Gordman's. They have a great Misses Plus section for career clothes and that is where I usually shop for my work clothes<not any more bitches because I can work in my jammie pants if I want to...jealous?>

I found a nice black pair of slacks in one size smaller than I am wearing right now. Now let me remind you I am wearing clothes that I am swimming in. Seriously, remember my post about the family of five that moved out of the seat of my pants, well now it looks like a family of ten moved out or a shit my pants. These jeans are big on me. Anyway, I went into the fitting room<and that is exactly what the fuck they are, fitting rooms, will my fat ass be fitting into these pants today?> I walked in there with my head held high<I actually think I was shaking my ass when I walked too...I thought I looked goooood>

I took off my too big for me jeans and tried to shove my big fat ass into these black slacks. I was able to get them up and button them but I looked like a......well......I don't know what the hell I looked like but whatever it was it was NASTY! What the hell? I freaking lost 12 freaking pounds and I cannot fit into one size smaller.

I was so pissed I left the fucking pants in the fitting room because my ass was not fitting into these pants. I came out and told my hubby....LET'S GO NOW!

We still needed to go to another one of my favorite stores, Walgreens. So you want to know what the hell I did? Well do ya?

I bought myself a chocolate marshmallow Santa and a peanut butter Christmas tree and stuffed them into my mouth as fast as possible.

I feel deflated! So fuck it, I am having some chocolate therapy!

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