The other day as I was home for Christmas, my sis, hubby and I were waiting for the kids to be good and asleep before we got the stuff out from Santa, we were watching Fear Factor-Family. I am NOT a fan of this show at all. My hubby must had been in charge of the remote that night.
So, we were watching Fear Factor and this one challenge was to crawl through pig fat with pig parts in it and pass a cow tongue to the other person through a small hole and then that person had to crawl back though the pig fat and drop the tongue into a bucket<you all see why I hate this show? Makes me want to fucking vomit to watch>
Anyway, while they were doing this something about it seemed to be familiar to me. What could it have been? Was I having de ja vu<sp?>? Had I seen it before? I could not remember seeing it before. So we watched it and then did the Santa gifts and then went on to bed.<I am sure at some point during this time I crammed my fat face full of candy, remember my earlier post? Fat Ass!>
So the next time I was getting ready to take a shower it hit me as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror,scary fucking sight if I do say do>, that is why I remembered that part of the show! My fucking ass and thighs look just like the pig fat they were crawling though. Oh gross! That it why I remember that, because I HAD seen it before, in the fucking mirror! FAT...WHITE...PALE....FAT! Looked like I had chewed up bubble gum all over my ass and thighs!
So, my thought is, tanned fat looks better. It really does. I would much rather see my fat all nice and brown than all white and pasty looking. My question is, do I go lay in a tanning bed so my fat looks better in the winter? I mean I really like to tan but I am not all about the effects of it. I do NOT want to have early wrinkles and I do NOT want to look like leather. But I DO want my fat to look better and it does look better tanned.
Oh jeeze the decisions a big girl has to make in her life!
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