I come from a line of big beautiful women. My Grandmother on my Mother's side was a big beautiful woman. She has to be one of the most beautiful women I have ever knew. She was always happy and always found good in everyone. I want to be just like her when I grow up! She was a breast cancer survivor too.
My Mother is a big beautiful woman and all four of her sisters are big beautiful women.
My older and only sister is a big beautiful woman and I look up to her every day. She is the mother of 3 great kids and is raising them while her husband is out on the harvest and she takes care of their small farm.
So what I am saying is these are my genes right? It is in the cards for me to be a big beautiful woman, I mean that is how I am programmed right?
So today I was wearing a pair of jeans that I loved last year but I think they shrank over the summer, it was very hot you know. I talked about these jeans and how they made me feel and blah blah blah. Today I HATED them. Not a little but a whole fucking lot! I was pissed off as soon as I put them on till the time I took them off. See how my genes are effecting my jeans.
I decided today that I HAVE TO FIND a better fitting jean for me if I plan to make it through this winter in anything besides sweats and jammie pants. I started looking at one of my favorite places<right now, it could change at any time> JC Penny. I L.O.V.E the Liz and Co. line they have. They have sizes from like 6 all the way up to I believe 18. So I can wear the exact style those skinny bitches wear<even it is does not look as good, it fucking makes me feel good, okay>
I found The Trouser Jean. Hello these jeans are awesome! They have the V button pocket with little studs on the pocket flap<you know the kind all the cool kids wear>. They have a wide waste band with 2 buttons. They fit low on the hip and are flared at the bottom. They can be dressed up or dressed down. I tried them on and I loved the way they felt and looked on me for the two minutes I had them on in the dressing room. I also bought the exact pair I did last year because I loved them so much but in a bigger size. <pray for those jeans because they have pissed me off once and they better not do it again>
So for now I am happy with my jeans that came from my genes. Stay tuned to how I wind up feeling about these jeans as it might all change after I wear them for a extended period of time.
And stay tuned for more on my genes!
Until later......eat ice cream!!!!
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